IMBB 18: "Summer's Flying, Let's Get Frying" Round-Up, Part I

Well, frying certainly seems to agree with people! As I type this it’s only noon on IMBB day and I have already received more entries than I know what to do with. It’s fun to see people from all over the world frying all types of food in many, many different styles. Since the entries seem to be pouring in pretty fast and furious, I think the best way to do the round-up this time is to share them as they come. So here is the first post of our IMBB 18 Round-Up. Stay tuned for more in the days ahead.
The very first submission I received was from Fast Recipes.
Next I received an entry from Soycap of WOG: Without Garnish. A lover of fried foods, Soycap decided to fill her Pasadena, California kitchen with not one but several fried snacks. Click here to see her absolutely lovely array of fried treats, including Deep-Fried Rice Balls, Tempura’d Baby Brussel Sprouts, Nori “Scotch” Eggs with Elephant Heart Plum Chutney, Mini Funnel Cake with Concord Grape Reduction, Creamy Caramel and Candied Flowers and finally Deep-Fried Banana Chocolate Truffle.
Lynn of To Short Term Memories then sent in her entry from Tokyo, Japan. Earlier this year
Lynndecided to enhance her knowledge of Chinese cooking, noting that frying is a staple in
Chinese food preparation. Lynn made
General Tsao’s Chicken, Sea Bream and Fried Tofu in Lemongrass Sauce. Great job, Lynn!
Checking in from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is Babe_KL of Babe in the City. Like Lynn before
her, Babe mentions how frying is used very frequently in Asian cuisine and she brings her
Pan Fried Patties to the table. Don’t they look great?
Right on the heels of Babe’s entry comes another submission from Kuala Lumpur. This time
Alex of notions of aC checks in with Homestyle Char Koay Teow. Alex said he wanted to
taste some of this dish right out of the frying pan, before even getting it to the plate. I can see
why; it looks terrific.
When I decided on frying as a theme for this month’s IMBB, I thought it might give people the
chance to indulge in the guilty pleasure of fried foods. Mika of The Green Jackfruit
fell right into that category, saying that this IMBB gave her the chance to make some things she
often craves but resists making because they are deep fried and therefore not necessarily the
healthiest. Glad this gave you an excuse to prepare your Punjabi Samosas, Mika.
They look tasty!
Cathy of A Blithe Palate shares thoughts on the “religion” of frying in the Deep South and
prepares a delicious–looking plate of Fried Soy-Sake Shrimp Wontons with Ginger Aioli. I like
her nod to Southern frying, while selecting a dish that’s a unique departure from the traditional
cooking of that region of the US.
Nic from BakingSheet filled her Los Angeles, California kitchen with
Not-So-Fried Green Tomatoes. Inspired by the fried green tomatoes she had at B. Smith’s in
New York City, Nic prepared these delicious oven-fried beauties.
Any entry that includes the phrase “heart attack on a plate” gets my attention.
Niki of Esurientes-TheComfort Zone went retro with a
Whole Breadcrumbed Deep-Fried Camembert. Looks absolutely decadent and how lucky is
Niki to have a German deep fryer built into her kitchen bench?
I’ll conclude this first edition of the IMBB 18 round-up with two entries from Farid of Algerian
Cuisine and Ya Rayi Our Rai. Farid made Brik bil Tunn, a very interesting and apparently
addictive Savory Tuna Pastry. He also prepared Fried Potatoes Algerian Style. I love how
these potatoes puff up when cooked to produce a thin, crispy top.
I’ll take a pause in the IMBB 18 Round-Up here but more entries will be posted in the days
ahead. There’s such an interesting variety of fried goodness coming in from around the world
I hope you’ll check back in to see what’s up next. Thanks to all for participating!
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