The Taste of Chicago
I took Lima to The Taste of Chicago this week. This is a very popular outdoor festival held each summer in Chicago featuring food, live music, rides and other amusements. It's held in beautiful Grant Park in downtown Chicago and admission is free. This year's Taste runs until July 4, so if you are in Chicago you have a few more days to check it out.
This was my first year at the Taste. I think it's one of those festivals that everyone who lives in Chicago has been to at least once. Last year (our first in Chicago), Lima was too young to go so I decided we'd make a day of it this time around. By my count, the Taste features food from roughly 65 Chicago restaurants and vendors. Prior to the Taste kickoff, the Chicago newspapers usually run some suggestions for which restaurants are the most exciting to hit. After doing a little preliminary investigation, I had my eye on some mustard-fried catfish from B.J.'s Market and Bakery and the cheesecake from Eli's Cheesecake. Much of the food at the Taste is your typical "fair food"...pretzels, pizza, hot dogs, funnel cake...but some of it stands out as unique. Both the catfish and the cheesecake were delicious and got the Lima seal of approval as well.
In addition to sampling the food, we had the pleasure of walking around Grant Park, admiring Buckingham Fountain, and riding on the merry-go-round. This was Lima's first merry-go-round experience. At first she loved it and then a minute or so into the ride she decided that she most definitely did not. Crying ensued. Then lots of older kids started pointing and yelling "That baby's crying!" That didn't help the situation. She made a quick recovery when we exited the ride though. And just in time---the Chicago Fire Department was giving out Junior Firefighter hats and she was very, very happy to get hers.
So I was glad to have checked out the Taste of Chicago. While not filled with gourmet delights, the festival is packed with summertime treats and classic Chicago fare. A fun afternoon out, even with the merry-go-round trauma.